In redoing the opening page of my website, I had to keep asking myself whether print is dead or on its deathbed? I sure hope not. But in an era when busy people are gorging on books on tape, Netflix and webinars, many managers of US SME’s are telling me they simply do not have time to read context-rich words unaided by technological assistance. So as a concession to this reality, and to bring the desired visuals into the process, at least on this the opening page of my website I have shortened things up by putting in 2 video links that MANA created for US domestic market:
Since all professional reps want to work with sophisticated principals, the rest of my website can be seen as an analogue to MANA’s “Trusted Partner in Profits”. In other words, since all professional reps prefer working with educated (i.e., sophisticated) principals, under MANA’s didactic I hope that the remainder of my website can be seen as a “Partnership in Learning” how to professionally and seriously engage with each other’s companies in cooperatively developing markets for your company’s unique products and services to distributors and/or end-users around the world.
In the American culture, we have real advantages, the building blocks upon which new concepts and products are born: Great institutions of higher learning. Federal research labs doing basic research that throws light onto the formerly unknown. The highest concentration of pools of venture funds on the planet. The most innovative designs, inputs, products and services in the world. And the indomitable spirit of entrepreneurship that helps move the germ of an idea, or its IP, into an actual line of commercial offerings. But settling for only selling to 6% of the world’s population does have its downside, particularly if the US economy takes mild to extreme nosedives. Since research has shown that 75% up to 90% of start-ups fail, instead of US companies having to spend more time trolling for additional investors to replace already burned-through capital, sheer practicality might be a consideration. If the domestic trance can be broken it might be better to seriously consider doing what is necessary to put in place the export infrastructure to deepen and expand the list of potential customers in and beyond the lands most all of us previously immigrated from.
In a world awash in me-too products, my foreign importer/distributor networks would love to have the formal rights to import and distribute one of a kind US-made products that give them real separation from their local distributor competitors. It doesn’t matter if your company is currently obscure. If you have IP, 510(k) clearance and/or CE marks, clinical studies and will do coop ads for your brand in the foreign market(s). If you are Export-Ready and Rep-Ready, your products are commercialized and you have new skus in the pipeline. If what products and/or services you have created will be a plus for mankind, improve the human condition and pull the rug from under the competition. And if you and your team are savvy about fully grasping the importance of cross-cultural understanding and do not think that others of different belief systems are harboring interim deities until truth and right thinking can be foisted on them, I would very much like to talk to you. For additional context, please tap on whatever tabs you desire to read/browse the rest of my company’s website and tell me about your company by filling out the Contact Us page.
(United States Copyright Registration Number TXu 2-361-364)© 2023 Jeff Henderson